Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Brooklyn Sandwich


The Walker's Home

Brooklyn Wolfford and Bryce Walker (and of course their mommas!)

For Mommas - Delicious Hot Sandwiches, Fruit and Chips...Cookies for Dessert (thank you Kaylynn!)
For Babies - Milk ;)

Mommas - Enjoying talking about the babies, adult conversation, and simply some much need socializing!
Babies - Just chillin', chewing on hands (see photo below), and looking at each other.

So yes, the other day we had our very first playdate! We were blessed to be in great company for the afternoon! A sweet little girl named Brooklyn came to play. Yes!...we know another precious Brooklyn :) She was born in September I look forward to these two becoming great friends in the future! My nephew Bryce also came!!! He is just a cutie!!! (I am working on a post about the two of them...hopefully it will be posted soon time in the near future!) Anyway, the momma's all enjoyed the socializing and the babies seemed to enjoyed themselves in between sleeping and eating. Can't wait to do it again and we all were saying how fun it will be when they are older and start to really play with each other instead of them just laying there HAHA!

I was looking at this picture after they left and it came to mind that we should have put Bryce in the would have made a very cute Brooklyn Sandwich ;)

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