Friday, April 9, 2010

The Doctor...Dun Dun Dun Dun Dunnnnn :\

Tuesday I had an appointment with with my Gastroenterologist. I currently only see him 2-3 times a year just to check on things. Anyway, he is REALLY big on eating right and watching your weight! The last time I saw him was about a month after I found out I was pregnant.

The first thing he did when I got there was put me on the scale....ugh! He had set the little tab thing where I was the last time I was in and of course he kept having to move it up and up...yikes! At one point he stopped and looked at me and said," Wow we have been having a little fun!"

Me: (thinking) OK....I know I know the weight is coming on....

Dr: OK Lydia go into the room...we need to have a little chat!

Me: (thinking) Oh Boy I am in sooooo much trouble!

Dr: So I am a little have put on ??? (my secret ;) ) pounds since I saw you last....What is happening?? Are you stressed?? Do you think we need some meal plans??

Me: (by now I am on the verge of tears....Dr. Ball has never mention I was gaining too much weight....I have always been more worried about it then she has) I've been trying to be's just hard I am hungry all the time!

Dr: Well we need to talk about what to do...I am concerned. You are just having too much fun!

Me: (Pointing to my belly).....SHE is having too much fun! (So yes, I felt very guilty after I made this comment that I had blamed my precious baby! Blame in on anyone but ME right...HA!)

Very Long Pause from the doctor......

Dr: (Burst into laughter) OK...I totally FORGOT you are pregnant!!!!

Me: (thinking) UMMM....Did you not even LOOK at me when I walked in...HA! How can you miss this belly!!!!

He proceeded to tell me how sorry he was and that I was doing just fine with my weight and didn't need to worry. WHEW! We both laughed, although mine was not as loud as his, and all I can say is the last half of the visit was much better than the first :p!

One thing that struck me as I was leaving was the next time I see him I will have Brooklyn with me...WOW! :)

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